Exactly one month from today, we will arrive back in Texas with our 5th child. Our family of 7 will FINALLY be together for the first time. Just the thought of seeing all five of our kids together in the same room brings tears to my eyes! Our 16 month journey has been filled with ups and downs. It's been filled with laughter and tears. It's been filled with joy and pain. Through it all though, God has been faithful! He's been faithful to bring our son home in His perfect time.
Troy and I are humbled that God has seen fit to place our "little man" into our family. We know however, that this privilege is not going to necessarily be an easy road. It's probably going to be extremely bumpy road at first! We (the people he's only met a few times in his life) will be bringing him home (across the ocean) to a country that speaks a completely different language than he does. He will be bombarded with four other "little people" who are running around like crazy calling him brother and calling us mom & dad. That would be a lot for us as adults to take in, much less a 2 yr old. That being said, things are going to look a lot different for a while in the Cole household.
Those of you that know me well know that I am DEFINITELY not a "home"body, but that's about to have to change. Our sweet "little man" has spent the first 2 years of his life not having a clue what a family is like. He's spent the first 2 years not having a clue what true love and security look like. We've got 2 years to make up for. So, we will spending the first few weeks (or however long it takes) devoting all of our time to helping him attach and helping him feel secure. We ask that you allow us to be the only ones to meet his needs (i.e., feeding, changing, holding, etc...) until we know that he has attached to us as his parents. It's really easy for children that have been in an orphanage to attach to whomever shows them attention. We do not want this to be the case. Please do not be offended if we aren't "out and about" for a while and if we ask you not to hold him, etc. You have NO idea how hard it's going to be for me to not run out our first day home and take him door-to-door to everyone's home and show him off! However, the needs of our son must come first.
This is completely uncharted territory for Troy and me. Bringing home a toddler from an orphanage is completely different than bringing home your biological baby from the hospital, so we covet your prayers! We truly want to do what is in the best interest of our son. We want to do whatever we can to help him heal and attach.
Your support has meant and continues to mean the world to us. We absolutely could not have done this without your prayers! If you've ever wondered if you're prayers have made a difference, let me tell you with 100% certainty....they HAVE! Our son is only coming home by the powerful prayers of the righteous! As a mother, there's no way I can express how thankful I am. I am amazed at the body of Christ and the willingness of believers to lift up (day after day) a fellow brother and sister in Christ. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Our son is coming home! There will be ONE LESS orphan very, very soon!